Friday, January 28, 2011

Editing Codes in TopSURV

To edit codes and attributes, tap Edit Job > Codes. The Code - Attributes screen displays.

 image > image

Remember: Codes already in use cannot be edited or deleted.

1. To add a code, tap the Add button on the right side of the screen. The Cade screen displays. Enter thimagee code name and description (if needed). Select the type of code (from Point, Line, Area) and the layer that the code will be stored to. Set the Code Style to represent points, lines and areas with this code on the selected layer. On the Attributes tab, select a radio button for the prompt for code at the beginning of a line or at every point along the line. Tap imageOK.

2. To define the attributes for the new code, select the code and tap the Add button on the rigimageht side of the screen. Set the name, type, and parameters of the attribute for the code on the Attributes screen. Attribute type indicates whether attribute values can be. Check and enable the Required box to always use the default value of the code. Tap imageOK.

3. To edit a code or attribute, double-tap the object or select it and tap the corresponding Edit button.

In the Code or Attribute screen, make changes and tap imageOK.

4. To delete a code or attribute, highlight it in the list and tap the corresponding Del button Codes being used in points and their corresponding attributes cannot be deleted.

5. To export the code library to the selected tile format, select the Export To File option from the Help lcon menu in the upper-left corner of the Code – Attributes screen.

Create a Code Library in TopSURV


1. Create a job just for your Code library. imageThis will allow you to import the codes from job.

2. Export you code library to Topcon XML format and set as the Global Code File.

In TopSURV 8 you can set the Global Code File by: 

1. Tap Configure image> Codes image 

2. Browse to your Topcon XML file, select the file and tap imageOK

3. Set other desired settings in the Global Codes Options and tap imageOK



For more in depth instruction please view the video links.

Import/Export a Code Library

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