Friday, March 18, 2011

Exporting Files From Topcon Tools

To export  points from Topcon Tools to a Coordinate file do the following:

1. From the Job pull-down menu select Export


2. Select Format name: Name, N,E,Z,Code – Coordinates (*.csv):


3. Enter the File Name and check the Advanced options for the the export format:

. image

Example: If you wanted to export to UTM Zone 12 you would select the Zone from the Projection pull-down under USA; UTM-North: Zone_12:


4. Click Save

To export  points from Topcon Tools to a ESRI Shapefile do the following:

1. From the Job pull-down menu select Export


2. Select Format name: ESRI Shape (*.shp):


3. Enter a Folder Name (all components of the shapefile will be saved in this folder) and check the Advanced options for the the export format:


Example: If you wanted to export to Arizona State Plane (Central Zone) you would select the Zone from the Projection pull-down under USA; SPC83: Arizona Central:


It is also recommended that you check the Export additional fields box.

Note: Only points, lines, and areas with assigned Codes will export to a shapefile.

4. Click Save


  1. Hi,
    I can't manage exporting "selected data" (for example only the fixed solutions).
    I have selected the fixed solutions, right click-export, but the coordinate file contains all the points not only the ones with fixed solution.
    Can you help me with this problem?

  2. You may also try using your filter options to display only the adjusted points, then export. The filter is a very powerful tool that is worth exploring. - I tested the selection export using Tools version 8 without issue.

  3. I have started having an export issue within the last month or so. I export my points to file as an ESRI (.shp) file. I go through the actions of exporting, but the codes never show up in the IEFiles folder on my PC. When I go to select a directory, it shows the following ....\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. I cannot create a folder, navigate up, nothing works. I've uninstalled TopSurv, did a hard reset and reinstalled it, but I still encounter the same issue. Any ideas?

  4. I'm not sure if this is a TopSURV issue or an issue with your data collector OS. The export directory should default to the IEFiles folder as you mentioned but for some reason TopSURV is not finding it. When you export the files is it asking for the folder name (see step 3 above)? If so have you been able to locate that folder on your device?

    If all else fails I would suggest copying the .tsj file to a PC and using the free TopLINK utility or Topcon Tools to export to .shp files.

    1. My screens are a little different than what you have shown above. But no, in the version I have, I am unable to navigate to any folder.
