Friday, April 1, 2011

Post Process Topcon TPS Files with OPUS

The Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) provides simplified access to high-accuracy National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) coordinates. Upload a GPS data file collected with a survey-grade receiver and obtain an NSRS position via email.

For Static Data Collection Reference: Collecting Static Data with the Topcon GRS-1

For Downloading TPS Log Files Reference: Downloading Topcon Static Files With TRU

OPUS requires minimal user input and uses software which computes coordinates for NGS' Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) network. The resulting positions are accurate and consistent with other National Spatial Reference System users.

Your computed NSRS position is sent privately via email, and, if you choose, can also be shared publicly via the NGS website. To use properly, please familiarize yourself with the information below.


Using OPUS requires just five simple steps:

Enter the email address (e.g., where you want OPUS to send your solution report.


Provide OPUS a GPS observables data file in any format (for automatic conversion to RINEX format by UNAVCO's teqc converter) or convert it to RINEX yourself first. OPUS also recognizes compressed (UNIX or Hatanaka.yyd) or zipped (gzip or pkzip) files, including multiple data files in a single zip archive. For Topcon users the raw TPS file is accepted.


OPUS accepts receiver epoch rates of 1,2,3,5,10,15 or 30 seconds, all of which are decimated to 30 seconds for processing. Note: Though your data file may already contain survey metadata, including antenna type, height, and mark information; these are IGNORED as NGS has found they are inconsistently formatted.

Select the antenna brand and model you used. This allows OPUS to determine the appropriate antenna calibration model for processing. Take care! Selection of an incorrect or default antenna may result in a height error as large as 10 cm. See Topcon antenna calibration to help find an exact match.


Enter the vertical height in meters of your Antenna Reference Point (ARP) above the mark you are positioning, as shown in the image below. The ARP for your antenna type, usually the center of the base or tripod mount, is illustrated at Topcon antenna calibration. If you enter a 0.0 antenna height, OPUS will return the position of your ARP.


Press OPTIONS to customize the way your solution is performed and/or reported. Your selections will override the optimized OPUS defaults and should therefore only be employed by experienced users.


OPUS currently provides two distinct processing softwares optimized for different data types:
  1. STATIC (Best Solution): For OPUS static processing, your data file must contain at least 2 hours but not more than 48 hours of data.
  2. RAPID-STATIC: For OPUS rapid-static processing, your data file must contain at least 15 minutes but not more than 2 hours of data, with all four observation types (L1,L2, P1 (or C1), and P2) present at each epoch used.

Downloading Topcon Static Files With TRU

After completing a static survey you will need to download data files to a computer for storage, post-processing or backup. Also, the receiver memory holds a finite amount of files and information, so downloading data prevents files from being lost. The new Topcon Receiver Utility (TRU) can be used to download files from the receiver to your computer, and to delete files from the receiver using a serial or Bluetooth connection.

Connecting the Receiver and a Computer

Make sure the computer has TRU installed. A current version of TRU can be found at on the user secure site.

Or download at this link

Downloading Files via TRU

Topcon Receiver Utility (TRU) is Topcon's hardware configuration software available for installation on desktop computers and hand-held controllers.

TRU is primarily designed for advanced users who need to configure their receiver hardware, or peripheral devices (internal and external modems, Bluetooth boards, etc.).

The application currently has two modes, Terminal and Receiver Managing, which include the following functionality:

  • Receiver Information Dialogue
  • GNSS Receiver Authorization Options Management
  • Upload of Option Authorization Files (OAF) to a Topcon GNSS receiver
  • Upload / update of component Firmware (such as Power Board, GNSS Receiver Board, internal Bluetooth, Radios, and / or Modems)
  • Sending of utility commands such as Clear NVRAM or Reset Receiver

Before you can download files, you must connect your receiver and computer.

...Using Bluetooth

Perform the following to download files using Bluetooth:

1. Power on Topcon GPS Receiver and PC with Bluetooth enabled. (pairing is not required)

2. Launch TRU.


3. Set the Application Mode to Receiver Managing


4. From the Device pull-down Menu select Connect.


5. Select Bluetooth for the connection setting.

6. Click on the image button next to Device Name to search for the Receiver Bluetooth port.


7. Select the receiver port and click image


8. Click Connect.


9. Click on File Explorer image

10. To down right-click on the log file in the File tab and select Download.image

11. Browse to the directory on your PC where you want to save the TPS file and click image

12. Delete files on the receiver by right-clicking and selecting Delete.


13. Disconnect from the device upon completion of downloads and file maintenance and Exit TRU.
